Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Migraine Relief Helpline

Sweet girl waiting on Momma to recover from a migraine
Right off the bat, I want everyone to know I am NOT a doctor and I am NOT claiming any of these remedies are sanctioned by doctors. These come from my experience with suffering from chronic migraines, and the things that have helped me. I'm hoping some (or even just one) of these will help a fellow migraine sufferer.

So what is a migraine?

The Mayo Clinic defines a migraine as "intense throbbing or a pulsing sensation in one area of the head and is commonly accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and extreme sensitivity to light and sound." 

Basically, you feel like you are dying, and all you want to do is hide in a dark, quiet room. That usually isn't feasible, since migraines can strike at any time. And, if you're like me, you don't get auras to warn you it's coming. Since I have migraines so often, I have learned to tell when one is coming on, but it isn't accurate (usually I start to feel like my brain is foggy, I can't concentrate, and I get a weird feeling that is impossible to describe - all of which happens when I'm extremely tired).

So, here are some remedies that I have tried that have worked for me in the past:

1. Taking a nap/sleeping

Seriously. If you can, sleep. You sleep through the worst of the pain, and the nausea/vomiting/crankiness/feeling like death that comes with it.

2. Lie in a dark room

Sometimes the pain is so bad, you can't sleep. Lying in a pitch black room is the next best thing. Make sure there is zero stimuli in the room you are in - no phones, radios, TVs, etc.

3. Eat a small snack

Eating a snack has given me precious minutes to get home, or to get to where I can rest in the dark. Something like a granola bar, a handful of nuts, or a small serving of fruit is best.

4. Ice pack/heating pad

While you are laying in the dark, put an ice pack on your forehead, and a heating pad on the back of your neck. Switch after 10-15 minutes. This helps almost every single time.

5. Cool shower

Take a cool shower in the dark. No shampooing or soaping. Just sit and relax.

6. Rub your head

Rubbing your head in small circles over and over (or getting someone to do it for you) helps tremendously

7. Take magnesium daily

This actually came recommended by a neurologist. I split a 400mg tablet of magnesium in half and take one half twice a day, every day. I have tried Migrelief, but I experienced more side effects and a lot more every day headaches (but my migraines were down). Magnesium has worked best for me.

8. Drink a small amount of caffeine

I'm not sure how much I drink as far as ounces, but usually about 1/4 of a can of soda or the equivalent in iced tea.

9. Medication

Before my migraines started happening every day, I took several kinds of abortive medication (Imitrex, Maxalt, etc), and they helped tremendously. Unfortunately I got to the point where I had no more options, and nothing was working. Now I take 2 Tylenol or Excedrin Extra Strength and 3 Advil at the onset of the migraine. This also helps give precious minutes to find a dark hole to hide in.

I have also tried preventive medication (medicine you take daily to prevent migraines - nortriptyline, amitriptyline, etc.). These helped as well, until I hit the same issues as with the abortive medications.

These tips I have heard, but I haven't tried:

1. Cold/hot

Place a bag of frozen peas (or an ice pack) on the back of your neck. Place your hands and feet in as hot of water as you can stand. Stay that way as long as you can.

2. Lemon coffee

You read right. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon into a cup of strong black coffee. No sugar, no cream. Sounds nasty, right? But the lady who told me this swore by it. I haven't had the courage to try this one yet.

3. Essential oils

I haven't tried essential oils for anything. Strong smells instantly trigger migraines for me, so I avoid them when I can. But I have heard amazing things about them from other people!

So what are your tried and true tricks to kicking a migraine? Have any of these worked for you?

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