Thursday, April 30, 2015

Autism Awareness

For those of you who didn't know, April is Autism Awareness Month. I know today is the last day of the month, but it's important to me that Autism Awareness spreads through the whole year, not just the month of April.

Did you know that Autism affects 1 in 68 children?
Or that Autism costs a family an average of $60,000 a year?
Or that boys are nearly five times more likely than girls to have Autism?
Or that vaccinations DO NOT cause Autism?
Or that early intervention can help an individual with Autism cope with the diagnosis and the challenges that come with it?

According to Autism Speaks:

"Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are characterized by social-interaction difficulties, communication challenges and a tendency to engage in repetitive behaviors. However, symptoms and their severity vary widely across these three core areas. Taken together, they may result in relatively mild challenges for someone on the high functioning end of the autism spectrum. For others, symptoms may be more severe, as when repetitive behaviors and lack of spoken language interfere with everyday life.

(...) The basic symptoms of autism are often accompanied other medical conditions and challenges. These, too, can vary widely in severity.

While autism is usually a life-long condition, all children and adults benefit from interventions, or therapies, that can reduce symptoms and increase skills and abilities. Although it is best to begin intervention as soon as possible, the benefits of therapy can continue throughout life."

Autism isn't a diagnosis that just affects children. More than 3.5 million Americans live with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (Buescher et al, 2014, courtesy of Autism Society). Adults need help adjusting to society as much, if not more, than children do.

An individual with Autism struggles with the diagnosis every day. Many do not seek employment or post-graduate education after high school. Some require full-time care throughout their lives.

This month kicked off with World Autism Awareness Day on April 2nd. The theme of the day is "Light It Up Blue" for Autism Awareness. Millions of people participate, and tons of iconic buildings and landmarks worldwide "Light It Up Blue".
Niagara Falls; Photo Courtesy of Autism Speaks

The Great Sphinx and Great Pyramids of Giza; Photo Courtesy of Autism Speaks
Of course the giant and I had to participate, too.

Autism Awareness is something I hold deep in my heart. My sweet nephew was diagnosed with Autism a couple years ago. He is funny, smart, creative, and loving. He melts my heart all the time. He has a hilarious quirkiness that makes him just a little bit different. But don't we all?

I have also had the privilege of teaching several kids with Autism when I worked at the Oklahoma State University Child Development Laboratory. Those kids have forever touched my heart, and have taught me how to love unconditionally. Their parents have also inspired me in how much they are willing to fight for what is good for their kids.

Autism doesn't mean less. It means different.

I encourage you to help raise awareness for Autism. Look into some of the facts about Autism. If you can, donate to help Autism research. More funds means more research, and more research means more answers for families and individuals.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Favorite Finds

This is a Favorite Find that I found years ago through a hair stylist. The first time she ever put this product in my hair, it transformed my hair from dry and brittle to soft and shiny - and it did this without making my hair seem oily. What product is it?

Seriously, this stuff is AMAZING! I absolutely hate putting product in my hair, then feeling like I have to re-wash my hair once I dry it. I've gotten better about this when I curl my hair (it's almost impossible to curl your hair without hairspray and expect it to stay), but I still despise the feeling when my hair is straight. This amazing elixir fixes all of that.

I use the Moroccanoil Treatment - Original. I'll admit that this stuff is extremely pricey. But there is good news! I have had my bottle 3.4 oz bottle for close to 3 years. And I use this at least once a week. And it's just over half empty. So for $43.00, I am getting product I can use for at least three years. I'll take that kind of price for quality hair product any day!

How have I gotten away with having the same bottle for close to 3 years? You literally use a teeny-tiny amount of the stuff. Like, a dime size. Rub it between your hands, and comb it through damp hair. I'll admit - I used way more than a dime size one time, and my hair did feel pretty gross. But a dime size is more than enough to cover my whole head of hair (my hair is about mid-shoulder blade). And I only use the stuff once a week (twice if my hair is feeling particularly unhealthy).

I have also used the Moroccanoil Hydrating Shampoo and Hydrating Conditioner. I never had any problem with using these every day. I never got the feeling that my hair was being weighed down, and it made my hair incredibly soft and shiny, and it felt healthy. I actually had strangers asking me what I used in my hair to make it look so great.

If you have naturally oily hair, I would try the Moroccanoil Treatment - Light. It's geared toward hair that is fine or light-colored, which means it's less likely to make your hair feel oily. They also have Oily Scalp Treatment and Dry Scalp Treatment (I haven't used those, but I assume they are just as awesome as the products I have tried).

I honestly had no idea how many products Moroccanoil had until I decided to write this post. I'll have to do some more testing to see how awesome their other products are. But really, you at least need to try their oil treatment.  I plan on trying the Root Boost, Extra Volume Shampoo, and Extra Volume Conditioner once I run out of the stuff I'm using now. I'm also interested in trying their Heat Styling Protection for the days I curl or flat iron my hair. If you try any of their products, please let me know! I seriously LOVE their stuff!